How to train your dog in 3 days!

Did  you know that you can train your dog in 3 days, or even 1 hour?

The first step in training your dog in 3 days is setting the CRITERIA. Yes, it is true your dog can be trained in 3 days or less by following these 3 simple steps!

Criteria is the standard in which you create for a desired behavior you want the dog to follow, in order for them to get their reward. Each time the dog successfully completes a criteria you will then raise the criteria for them to now earn their reward.

For example when teaching loose leash walking the criteria starts with the dog learning to stay by the owners side in a controlled environment, such as the house. Once the dog is 85% successful at all the attempts that are set for them, the criteria will rise. The next step is for them to now stay by your side while walking on a loose leash.

The criteria is the standard to the beginning of a desired behavior.

The second step to training your dog in 3 days is CONSISTENCY.

Now that the criteria is set for your desired behavior, it is now time to follow through and be consistent with the criteria. Consistency is very important in training, this means that they can either jump on you or not jump on you. It is not ok to let them because you are happy to see them, but not jump when you have nice clothes on. They do not know the difference.

For example, with the loose leash walking every time the leash is on the dog you will be consistent in asking for a loose leash by your side. You need to be make sure that you are always in training mode when you are with your dog. When the leash is on that doesn’t mean that sometimes they can pull on the leash and sometimes they need to stay by your side on a loose leash.

Consistency is very important to either fixing an undesired behavior to re enforce a desired behavior, it’s your choice.

The third step in training your dog in 3 days is CONFIDENCE.

Confidence you say is part of training my dog in 3 days? Yes, it is the test of what you have done with your criteria and maintaining consistency in your behavior. You will need to build the dogs confidence in every level of your criteria before you move on to the next and criteria. The way you build their confidence in the behavior is that if they complete the first criteria with 85% success or better move to the next criteria and test.

When you are testing the dog’s confidence in a behavior, such as loose leash walking, you will now add distractions and duration. Put the dog’s leash on and you will walk to the door, maintaining consistency that the dog has a loose leash walking to the door. You will open the door and proceed out again maintaining a loose leash. if the dog does not keep a loose leash you will need to walk back in the house and try again. If you have 3 failed attempts the dog is telling you that they do not have the confidence to complete that part of the criteria.

You will keep adding more distractions and more arousal levels to your training. Always remember that your dog will fail in some steps, just take a step back build their confidence again and then go to your next step.

Those are the three steps in training your dog in 3 days. Incorporate these into your daily life and watch your dog transform in 3 days!

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